
I am keeping a running list of webpages, papers, slides and instructional blog posts pertaining to my interests in:

  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning - Natural Language Processing and Time-Series analysis
  • Computational Statistics - Bayesian analysis, Uncertainty quantification, Probabilistic programming
  • Data Analytics and Visualization in Python
  • Cloud Computing - Cloud infrastructure, Virtualization, Container technologies

You can find this as a searchable and sortable table at


A little about me… Hey there! I am currently employed as a Staff AI Research Scientist at Sage AI where I solve problems in financial accounting using Machine Learning and Data Science. Prior to this role, I was a Senior Data Scientist at NerdWallet, a Senior Data Science Developer Advocate at Databricks and a Computational Scientist at Virginia Tech. My current research interests are Natural Language Understanding, Reinforcement Learning and MLOps. [Read More]