This page contains the materials for the workshop ‘Introduction to Machine Learning’ which has been accepted to be presented at PEARC18. Participants would have access to a server running the relevant Python 3 installation along with the tools Tensorflow and Keras. If you would like to install your own environment, please check the bottom of this page to download an conda environment file that can be used for configuration.

The Jupyter notebooks can be downloaded from here. If the downloads end up with a ‘.txt’ extension, please remove it such that the files only have a ‘*.ipynb’ extension before loading it using the Jupyter kernel.

Topic Download
Unsupervised Learning Unsupervised.ipynb
Supervised Learning Supervised.ipynb
Deep Learning Deeplearning.ipynb

Tentative slides for the workshop presentation slides are available here ( These may be updated before the session )

If you would like to set up your own environment for the class, you can download a conda environment file here tensorflow_env.